At each change of season it is recommended to take a course of detoxification. This type of program will free your body from all accumulated toxic. The cure detox allows the body to better withstand changes of each season:
· temperature variations,
· shorter and weaker sunshine,
· high humidity ...
The cure of detoxification will allow you to update of your immune system making it able to better fight off infections, viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. In fact a good cure of detoxification is like a mini challenge that one is needed. This is why it is important to choose the right time before starting detox. In early spring, summer or fall our needs are great. Seasonal changes are the best times to detoxification.
You will find here some advice on major applications of detoxification treatments. See other pages for more detoxification.
Cure Winter Detox
In winter, naturally, our bodies accumulate toxins. To counter this trend it is desirable to perform a cure detox. This treatment will serve to regulate your body and drain out of your body accumulated wastes and excess. Winter detox, if it is well prepared, will strengthen your immune system, especially if people are highly stressed in winter. The detox will provide essential nutrients to help your body's defenses.
Cure detox diet
The primary goal of a cure detox pad is not to lose weight, but to detoxify the body. It is true that the cure detox can help you to lose weight, but only temporarily. The purpose of your course of detoxification is to remove a maximum of toxins and toxic elements, you will lose much water where are these pollutants.
The return to a traditional diet usually results in a recovery of lost pounds. If you want to lose weight, don’t use the detox cure for this purpose because what you lose is only temporary. You will mainly lose water and muscles.
It’s normal as part of a cure detox, the goal is to have a diet low in protein. Do not overdo the detox cures because they can also make the body lose its reserves of vitamins and nutrients. We recommend a course of 4 to 8 days, as a maximum two times a year.
Cure Liver Detox
Spring is the ideal time to do a course of "liver cleansing" or detoxifying the liver. Cures detox liver are recommended at a rate of two times a year. The ideal times - spring and autumn. Liver detoxification will consist of a stimulation of blood filtration and the elimination of toxins through a drainer. Many solutions exist to drain toxins, for example, a cocktail of medicinal plants.
Here are some plants to use in treatments for liver detox. You can have them as a tea, but there are also drinks and other preparations available in many shops.
Foods to use for a liver cure detox:
The artichoke, true ally of the liver
Desmodium (liver disease)
Dandelion (effective for cleaning emunctories)
Radish (drainage of the liver)
Detox grape cure
The grape cure is known for at least two centuries as one of the most effective natural therapies. Although this is difficult to understand a perspective of a balanced diet, the grape cure is yet often cited as a model as a method of natural detoxification to lose weight effectively. The grape cure detox helps regenerate your body, continuously assaulted by stress and outdoor pollutants. The grape makes an excellent effect on constipation, main source of self intoxication. The grape is well unti constipate, laxatives, decongestants and even disinfectant. While the grape cure detox a person may suffer from several disorders and signs of fatigue of the body:
· Insomnia
· Skin Problems
· Fatigue and nervousness
Here is our advice to perform your cure detox from grapes:
Make your treatment when it is the season of the grape. And yes, a detox can be done in accordance with the seasonality of our fruits and vegetables. September is the perfect time to start a grape cure. Buy large quantities of grapes before you start your treatment... Grapes should be your only food for several days.
We recommend that you choose organically grown grapes, which have not been contaminated by chemical fertilizers or synthetic pesticides. If, however, for reasons of price or availability you want your cure with grapes called "traditional", remember to wash your grapes with clean water before the treatment.
The best grapes are that with a thin skin and with sugar balanced. Choose grape season and ripe grapes. The ripe grape is little laxative. Conversely, over-ripe grapes can lead to constipation. Your choice of grape cure detox is paramount.
In addition we recommend eating apples and drinking the juice of this fruit. Before the start, it is recommended to fast during the two days before the beginning of the cure. If it is impossible, at least try to eliminate from your diet meat, indigestible food, especially alcoholic beverages and coffee.
Cure detox after holidays
It is quite normal that the holidays have upset your eating habits and perhaps your digestion. Diet high in excess and often accompanied by alcohol.
It is vital to restore order in your body. Some simple tips can be followed if you wish to cure detox after the holidays.
Are you prone to bloating and slow digestion ... it's a sign of tiredness of your intestines. When we are on holidays we eat much food rich in fat, the intestines cannot digest this flow of food. At festivals we tend to consume more carbohydrates and fewer vegetables and fiber. The rhythms are completely offset: digestion and the normal cycle cannot be done because we spend too much time at the table and go to bed late at night.
Your body has transit problems if you do not go to the toilet every 24 to 48 hours. If you go to the toilet every 48 to 72 hours, we will speak of slow transit ... Beyond these rhythms we talk about constipation. If you wish to cure detox after the holidays you must:
· eat at the right pace (set times)
· Do not eat too fast;
· do not nibble;
· consume 30g of fiber a day;
· drink 1.5 liters of water per day
· sleep at fixed times;
· made a 30 minute walk / day
· go to the toilet regularly.
For your cure detox after the holidays choose foods good for your digestion. Eat a high fiber diet. You need to consume about 30 grams of fiber per day. Eating fruit and vegetables (follow the recommendations of five fruits and vegetables per day); it will bring essential elements to return your body to normal. We also recommend consuming the pulses in addition to your diet (lentils, beans ...).
If you like dairy products, know that you can eat yogurt containing bifidus active part of your cure detox after Christmas. The active bifidus has real benefits scientifically proven to slow intestinal transit (regular consumption of yogurt). Walking or small strengthening exercises will work your stomach muscles and ease your transit. We recommend brisk walking for 30 minutes per day.
Coaching detox: the cure Shigeta
cleaner brand detoxLa Shigeta offers a "cure detox" product that combines four power supplies to a groin and breathing exercises. Thanks to this cure you’ll get: refined silhouette, weight stabilization, boosted energy physics, light complexion, shiny hair. Actively purifying the body, Detox is the cure from the inside to beautify the outside ". Specifically, the cure detox Shigeta proposes: