Marijuana is a dangerous drug that many people are addicted to. This addiction is a psychological one and not a physical or chemical addiction like cigarette smoking. Marijuana addicts crave for the high that it gives.
Marijuana addicts show an anti social behavior, suffer from low achievements. They also have disturbed relationships. They suffer from respiratory and lung problems. The drug also causes infertility and memory loss. Considering the dangerous effects of Marijuana, many have stopped the use of this drug. But it is not an easy task to shun the habit within seconds. It needs a complete detoxifying process.
The detox kits consist of special medications to flush out Tetrahydrocannibinol or THC a very harmful substance found in marijuana.
Many drug detoxifying and rehabilitation centers are there to help these patients to recover from this dangerous habit and its disastrous effects. A marijuana addict exhibits loud talking, sleepiness, and forgetfulness. He often becomes excited for taking the drug all the time. Such people need to be handled with utmost care and should be given full support to recover from the craving.
Once a marijuana patient is in the process of detoxifying, he encounters many physical and mental challenges. There will be many withdrawal symptoms seen in him. The withdrawal symptoms occur when the particular drug that a person takes regularly, stops suddenly. So to minimize these symptoms, a step by step process is followed to detoxify the body. Some common symptoms are like restlessness and anxiety, loss of appetite, nightmares and insomnia.
- Restlessness and Anxiety: One of the common withdrawal symptoms seen in a Marijuana addict is that when he is in the period of quitting the habit, he feels terrible restlessness and anxiety. He craves to take the drug and this leads to anxiety.
- Loss of Appetite: In the initial stage of quitting the habit, a Marijuana addict loses appetite. He does not feel like taking any food. But this does not last for long. After few days, he becomes normal.
- Nightmares: Another common withdrawal symptom seen in a Marijuana addict is that, his sleep becomes restless and he sees bad and freaky dreams. Sometimes he may also see a dream of smoking Marijuana. However, this is a very normal phenomenon of any one who quits Marijuana.
- Insomnia: When a person is under the treatment period or in the period of detox, he suffers from insomnia or loss of sleep. It continues till a few days till the body adapts to the normal; sleep pattern.
There are many types of detox kits and processes involved in it. So much of research has been done on the drug abuse and many medications are developed to cure such Marijuana addicts. Special doctors treat such patients and many drug rehabilitation centers have come up with good results of treating such Marijuana addicts. These people are given full support from friends and family members during the period of detoxification.