Fast Opiate (MOR/OPI) Detox Kit for People Under 200 Lbs
In our product the Opiate Detoxification Kit you will find a 16oz. bottle of QCarbo Cleanser, an opiate test device and as well one QClean a Chewable Detox Supplement. How to use:
This supplement has been specially created for use on the very day when you are going to be drug tested. So you should take this supplement two prior to test time. Follow the next steps: 1) From the very beginning you should drink the bottle of QCarbo two hours before you are going to be tested. 2) After that you should wait about a quarter of an hour and then drink refilled with water QCarbo bottle again. 3) Then during the next forty-five minutes your task is to urinate several times and after urinating use the self-test that is as well included in this supplement. 4) You may pass your urine sample in the case if there are two lines in the self-test. However, if you see only one line, go to the next step. 5) The QClean tablet should be taken with 32 ounces of clean water. After that you should wait one more hour and urinate several times again before you pass your drug test. Make use of the following tips for better results!
· Before starting to use this supplement you shouldn't eat a lot.
· Frequent urinating is another useful tip for better cleansing process.
· Start drink lots of clean water before you are tested.
· Try not to consume any toxins for as a minimum two days before the testing.
· But notice that your results will be just temporary and they will last just during 4- 5 hours. Caution: don't forget to consult your doctor previous to using this supplement, especially in the case if you are either pregnant or breast feeding.
It consists of an Opiate test device, Super Boost Tabs, QClean chewable detox and QCarbo Plus (20oz.). How the supplement should be used: With this product assist you will pass a urine drug screen...
The COC Cocaine Detoxication Kit contains: • 32 oz. bottle of Absolute Detox XXL Carbo-Drink, • 1 bottle of Detoxifying Quick Flush Capsules • 1 COC/Cocaine Home Test Device. How to...
This Program for individuals over 200 LBS contains: • 2 day supply of PRE-TOX capsules • One 1 TEST DEVICE (THC MARIJUANA) • Carbo Drink named Absolute De-Tox XXL( one quart bottle)...