These capsules have Riboflavin and Creatine power and can easily wash the toxins out of a body through with the help of the urinary tract. The capsules are taken on the day and start working in just 2 hours. They will maintain the needed level of traces of drugs such as alcohol and nicotine, marijuana and cocaine, THC and other unwanted substances. The capsules stay effective up to 5 hours.
Remember: results are temporary.
How the capsules are used:
16 to 24oz of water are drunk an hour before consuming the capsules (take four capsules at once).
Capsules are taken with 16 or even more ounces of water.
Another 16oz of water are drunk in a quarter of an hour after consuming capsules.
Just in 3-5 hours your urine will be free from drug traces, but don’t forget to urinate no less than three times.
Zydot drink should be taken together with capsules if a person is either a habitual drug user or has an excess weight.
Useful info:
Don’t use drinks, food and other things with toxins two days prior to the use of the capsules.
Do not wolf any large and fat food prior to taking the capsules.
Additional water can be taken only before consuming the capsules but not after taking ones (only as directed).