How Much Time does Cocaine Stay in a Person’s Body?
Frankly speaking, nowadays everybody knows what cocaine is and a great number of people use it. Very often young people use a tiny dose of cocaine just for fun or to relax, but very quickly they become addicted to this dangerous drug. Small doses of cocaine give comfort and calm down muscles. But note that a bigger dosage of cocaine causes problems as, for example, blurred vision, speech difficulties and unrestrained movements. But if cocaine is taken with alcohol a person usually suffers greatly.
In our life we often face with the necessity to pass drug tests to check if there are any drugs, for example, marijuana, cocaine or other unlawful substances like synthetic drugs in your blood and urine.
There are several ways for cocaine to be used. But most of all, users take it orally, make injections or breath it in. However, it is no difference how a person takes cocaine because all the same it is usually found with the help of medical tests.
Actually, it’s very difficult to answer on the question how much time cocaine stays in the body because different reasons influence on this, for example, a person’s age, sex, individual metabolism speed, weight, health condition, if a person takes cocaine sometimes or addicted to it. What’s more, such factors as what amount of cocaine you take or if you take any other medicines while taking cocaine are as well vital.
And as a result it can hardly determine the precise time when cocaine will be completely taken out from your body.
You may read the information that cocaine stays in a person’s body for just a couple of days and it’s really true, but call your attention that after every cocaine usage a chemical named benzoylecgonine is produced in a person’s body. And as for this chemical, it usually stays in a body for a month or even more. And nowadays all modern drug cocaine tests test not only cocaine attendance, but, in addition, benzoylecgonine.
But with the help of the tips you’ll really know how much time cocaine stays in your body:
• if you use cocaine rarely, it will be there for as a minimum 72 hours;
• as for urine tests, it can show the attendance of cocaine in 1-3 days after you took it if you use it seldom or for the first time;
• but if you take cocaine habitually, it can show the attendance of cocaine even in 10-12 weeks;
• cocaine can be found in your hair up to 3 months;
• note that they say that it’s likely to find out if you have taken cocaine even in 25 years after cocaine intake date.
But the super news is that nowadays cocaine drug tests test all probable places where cocaine can be found. They consist of blood drug detection, urine drug detection and hair drug detection. So, stop asking questions and know if there is any amount of cocaine and where it is placed.