Actually, the task of everybody is to support President Obama’s attempts to restrain drug lords because, in fact, great number of young people has been suffered greatly from drugs.
And at the Coast you’ll see this very clear. If you visit rehabilitation centres in the coastal town of Mombasa, you’ll be extremely stunned and sad.
It’s really the fact that Nacada (the National Campaign against Drug Abuse) has made considerable grow in struggling this danger, however lots of steps should be done.
Note that contrasting with Kenya where supposed drug lords are considered noted persons and hang out with the high and powerful, in the USA the Kingpin Act forbids US people from connecting with people supposed to be drug sellers and those who are unsuccessful to pay attention to the requirements of this law are in risk of being fined up to $5 million.
Ratifying an alike law would surely fight with evil. Nevertheless the million-dollar query is: Is there as much as necessary political benevolence to pass such law?
There is evidently a vital task for our Government to increase it war against trafficking of drugs.
And at this time that our worldwide partners have expressed their readiness to help us crush it, will be unlucky for us to fail to provide them the needed aid.
Actually, slashing the delivery of drugs will chiefly be a considerable step in the direction of stemming drug abuse whose results are obvious among the juvenility.
What’s more, drug abuse has a tough connection to against the law activities and, in addition, with the increase of HIV virus.
The number one task is to provide education to the public of the districts influenced by the drug abuse danger should be a main concern.