Many people tend to confuse the two terms. Although similar in their terminology, they mean very different two processes. Intoxication and poisoning are related to contamination of our bodies by undesirable substances.
This pollution of the body may be from an accumulation of toxins. This is known as intoxication. But in the case of penetration of toxic substances such as poisons in our bodies, we then use the term intoxication.
The intoxication
The presence of toxins is normal
Before understanding the overall process of intoxication, we must understand what toxins are. Toxins are waste and residues from metabolism. Their presence (in reduced amount) in our body is perfectly normal. Indeed, the "normal" functioning of the body leads to the some amount of waste. Always in a mode "normal", the body rids itself of these wastes... This rejection of toxins is via four organs that filter blood. They are 4 excretory organs liver, kidneys, lungs and skin.
Toxins can have several origins. Part of toxins is from the tissues and dead red blood cells ... But most of the toxins derived from the degradation of nutrients by the body. The food we eat is degraded and assimilated. This is the case of proteins, for example, which once degraded give urea. This also works for glucose that is going to produce lactic acid and carbon dioxide.
Recall again that the presence of these toxins in our bodies is normal if their presence does not exceed a certain level. If the threshold is exceeded, the toxins can represent a real danger to the body ... The toxins act as a poison that will address the tissues and organs. Normal functioning of the body is overwhelmed, toxins clog the body, hence the need to eliminate them.
The need of a healthy and moderate diet
But as the main source of toxins is in food, it is also useful to adapt your diet through periodic or regular consumption of detoxifying foods. The key lies not only in the choice of food but also in the mode of its consumption that must be reasoned. That’s why too much consumption of healthy and organic foods will lead to problems either.
The food we eat must be adapted.
· In our digestive capacity
· In our combustive capacity
· In our eliminative capacity
If the foods you eat are adapted to your own abilities (above), then there will be no undesirable accumulation of toxins or generating excessive accumulation diseases. You have to be adapted to the capabilities of your organization. Because if you eat more than your body can burn, so the toxins and other substances will be stagnated. The body knows what to do.
People often mistakenly think that fat accumulation is the only consequence of overeating. This is false. Obesity is only one aspect of overeating .. In fact, consuming too much food will (as we have just seen) accumulate toxins ... There are external factors that can detect intoxication that are less visible than overweight. However, obesity is less dangerous for the body that deep intoxication. Dare we say that it is better to store the excess as fat (obesity) than in the form of toxins (intoxication) ... Obesity has serious consequences (travel difficulties, heart disease, socialization) while intoxication is more "discreet", permanently altering our bodies.
The intoxication occurs mainly by protein waste
In our society, lifestyles have evolved so that it is "easy" to find yourselves in a state of intoxication. Consider the numbers of meat consumption in France for example.
The number of proteins that we consume daily is enormous. These proteins are consumed with dairy products, eggs, cereal ... the omnipresent these ingredients in the modern diet explains why intoxication by waste protein is so widespread.
Excess of toxins: the beginning of acidosis
Overeating leads to a rejection reaction of the body, which as we have seen, will not be able to dispose of toxins properly. The food is not processed during digestion will tend to ferment or putrefy in our bodies. This stagnation will be born of harmful substances. This is the case: pyruvic acid, indles, phenols...
All these substances are poisons. They are wastes eliminated by the body. When toxins are accumulated in the tissues, they are preparing the arrival of future diseases...
The need to eat organic food
What are the origins of overeating? We can already get the sociological reasons such as television and the media in general that spread a misconception of what is "good". Yes, okay, but before accusing those who convey the message, we must also think about the products themselves, their composition, their production ...
If these days of excessive amounts of food are consumed, it is also because of their poverty in vital elements for the body ... The modern production processes are very often the cause of the destruction of vitamins, minerals and other trace elements ... the low presence of these elements in food partly explains the need to overeat ... In trying to overcome our lack of vitamins, we eat more food, which are very often "false food ", and as a result our body can withstand and eliminate all the toxins.
These foods which have no natural origin will be correspondingly less well metabolized. This will result in increased production of waste. And the cycle resumes as you know now. Excessive presence, difficult removal and long-term accumulation ... These "fake foods" are found in sweets and other soft drinks, which, unfortunately, is adored our little darlings.
Hence, there is the great need to choose foods rich in natural elements with great care. For this, we recommend you choose organic foods. Often biological production methods allow conservation of natural elements which would be damaged during a conventional industrial process.
We have just seen in this first part that intoxication is not only the presence of toxins, but their excesses and their stagnation, leading to excesses. But in the case of intoxication substances that have entered the body should absolutely not be there! Poisoning consists of the word "toxic" because the substances are completely unrelated to the normal functioning of the body ... they are real poisons.
In theory, intoxication should be an accidental event.
Indeed, it may happen that certain substances are found in our body and alter its work... But unfortunately, today we are intoxicated daily. Toxic sources are known. This is the air pollution, water and soil. The use of harmful cleaning products, the simple act of traveling by car, etc. ... the sources of this pollution are legion. This pollution notably on crops and livestock leads to the production of "unclean" food.
The main consequence is an increase in the rate of waste in our tissues, which little by little will make us sick.
The importance of organic products
Here is an opportunity to talk again of the importance of organic farming methods. Repeated treatments with insecticides, herbicides or fungicides on other crops can greatly increase their toxic contents. Fruit and vegetables as well as animal production on farms, animals are often medicated. Chickens, sheep and other animals used in batteries are force-fed with antibiotics to speed their adaptation to their living conditions, totally unnatural.
Know that eggs, milk or dairy products contain traces of these toxins ... The medication overuse is another source of intoxication. The aim of this article is not to frighten the reader but to make you aware that every day we consume toxic in large amounts. By reading our articles and looking at detoxifying products that we recommend, you cannot ignore this fact. Feeding and digestion of food is not the only cause of poisoning. Indeed, gastrointestinal tract is not the only means of entry of toxic substances in the body ... We must also think of the skin. So beware of your cosmetics, creams, hair dyes and other powders which may contain harmful substances.