Our Ultra Klean Power Flush capsules have been specially created for the people who have to pass urine drug test from the very powerful detoxifying herbs. Such joined together herbs as yellow dock, dandelion, red clover and burdock have super effect on people and really make wonders. These capsules are in fact worth trying. It’s better to take these capsules an hour and a half previous to the time you would like to be free of drug toxins and your urine won’t show any signs of detox metabolites up to 5 hours. Our capsules as well consist of 2 Creatine capsules and 2 Vitamin B capsules to provide it a slight extra boost, as a result you , of course, pass your urinalysis with no problems.
You should notice that the peak of our capsules effectiveness is for the first two hours after Power Flush Capsules. And their effectiveness keeps from 1 hour to 5 hours.
How our capsules should be uses:
You should consume 7 capsules with 24oz of liquid an hour and half earlier the time you’d like to be cleaned and have clean urine.
After that in 20 minutes you should take another 7 capsules with another 24oz of liquid.
And finally in another 20 minutes you have to consume the rest 7 capsules, 2 creatine capsules and 2 vitamin b with another 24 oz of liquid.
Remember that these capsules act for up to 5 hours after you have taken them. It will take you about 60 minutes to prepare your urine for drug testing.
However, if you want to get improved results you can as well use Ultra Mask One Hour Cleansing Formula.
Caution: Please remember about passing effect of Ultra Klean Power Flush Capsules.
These capsules have Riboflavin and Creatine power and can easily wash the toxins out of a body through with the help of the urinary tract. The capsules are taken on the day and start working in just 2...